Mythical Eternity
The colorful blossoms will slowly fade away with time, even if optimal climate persists. Mythical Eternity talks about the notion that there is no beauty that lasts forever. Despite the abundant wayside trees in our environment, their existence is often overlooked by busy city-dwellers, except for the occasional colourful blossoms.
Mythical eternity is a two-sectioned project, one of which consists of an infographic poster the maps out the calendar of beauty for the 10 common wayside trees in Singapore as acknowledged by the National Environmental Agency of Singapore. It displays information on the range of rainfall needed to cultivate their blossoms, frequency of their annual blossom, as well as blossoming period and duration, in relations to one another.
The other section is a poetry book on the personifications of the 10 common wayside trees in Singapore. If only these trees had voices that could be heard.